Currex Hospital


Cardiology is a specialized field of medicine that focuses on studying the intricate workings of the heart and its connection to the cardiovascular system. This branch of medicine involves understanding, diagnosing, and treating a wide range of heart disorders, from congenital heart defects to coronary artery disease, heart failure, valvular heart disease, and electrophysiology. 

Currex Hospital is widely recognized for its exceptional cardiology specialization and comprehensive heart care services. The hospital provides a holistic approach to addressing heart ailments by combining state-of-the-art diagnostics and advanced treatment options. Their team of experienced cardiologists and surgeons offer unparalleled expertise in treating various heart conditions.

Our Doctors - Experts in Cardiology

Dr. Bala Murugan

MBBS, Diploma in Clinical Cardiology
Consultant Cardiologist

Dr. Jagadeesh H V

MBBS, MD (Gen Med)
Consultant Cardiologist